Become an FIP member
The International Federation of Podiatrists (FIP) is a not-for-profit association focused on global leadership and the development of podiatric medicine around the world. The Federation was founded in 1947 with 10 podiatry organizations. Over the years, it has grown to include 26 organizations representing 25 countries spread over six continents.
Working together collaboratively with leaders of the podiatry profession worldwide, the Federation gathers professional podiatry associations to enhance the podiatric profession through the sharing of knowledge, practice, and research among member associations.
The FIP-IFP states clearly 4 objectives and working areas
International Podiatry Day: Held each year on 8 October, to draw attention to the impact of poor foot health and to show the value of podiatry to the general public, other health professions, and government health officials worldwide.
The organisation of the World Congress of Podiatry: This is a growing flagship event organised every 2 years in Europe and worldwide and attracting over 1000 professionals in Podiatry.
Being the global voice of Podiatry: Representing Podiatry on high-level global organisations such as WHO & UN, and building relationships with friendly third-party associations/federations (D-Foot, EWMA, IDF, ISDF...)
Creating global policy statements: CFR definition of Podiatry, policy statement related to evidence-based practice, code of conduct, podiatry definition, competency profiles, research papers...
The professional association wishing to join the FIP-IFP as a member is expected to declare that podiatry in the country the association represents fulfills the following conditions:
Regulation: There is some form of legal protection that protects the title of Podiatry/Podiatrist/Podiatric medicine and establishes both the minimum qualification necessary and the further requisites of training in the practice of the profession.
Education: Is at a bachelor's degree or internationally recognised equivalent.
Recognition: Podiatry is recognised by the government as a health profession.
Licensing/Registration: The professional seeking to practice in the profession of podiatry will need specific authorization to do so.
Clinically Standardised Profession: Established on evidence-based, clinically governed practice. The podiatry profession possesses a code of conduct that specifies the deontology and ethical standards of the practice of podiatry.
Provisional membership of FIP-IFPis available to those associations that currently fail to meet all the above criteria for full membership but have the intention to fulfill these criteria in the near future. Provisional membership is granted for a period of five years, after which it is subject to renewal. Renewal shall be considered only in cases where sufficient interaction with the FIP-IFP exists, thus making further collaboration useful.
Provisional members have the full support of FIP-IFPin practicing podiatry and attaining the required standard. Provisional members have representation at the board level and are entitled to attend conferences AGMs etc.
The full resource of FIP-IFP is available to them in their quest to achieve the internationally recognised standard.
Representative podiatry associations wanting to join the Federation are requested to contact the Chair of the International Recruitment Committee on They will be asked to fill in a first general form to open the candidacy dossier. In a second stage, further information on the organisation of podiatry will be requested from them as well as the official application to join the federation. This will need the approval of the Board or General Assembly of the candidate organisation.
The International Recruitment Committee (IRC) of FIP is responsible for maintaining an ongoing program for the recruitment of new member associations, and the development of strategies to meet this objective. The IRC Chair will propose the new member associations’ candidacy to the Board, which will endorse the proposals for FIP-IFP General Assembly’s approval.